
Idea + Concept + Design: Aga Blonska

Collaboration: Designbotic

3D printing: 3DMZ

Grant: “Experiment” Stimuleringsfonds


CoWave is an innovative design method that combines human collaboration with AI technology to create 3D objects based on emotional responses. EEG scans identify positive reactions to reference images, and the collected data is then translated into AI language. Prompted by the AI engine, 3D objects are quickly generated within the same process. This ingenious project has resulted in the world's first acoustic panel based on emotional brain reactions. The panel is made from 20kg of recycled plastic and was 3D printed in just 8 hours, with its colour inspired by grey matter. The project will continue as a sustainable acoustic panel generator using eco-friendly materials, colours, and brainwaves.

The CoWave began as the "no hands design" experiment supported by Stimuleringsfonds. The idea was to explore new design methods that extend the designer's arms into a robot's arms position.

“Where the harmony of EEG waves and AI innovation unite in a symphony of collaboration.”

- Chat GPT

“The brain does not live inside the head, even though this is its formal habitat. It reaches deep into the body, and reaches out into the world with its help. We can say that the brain “ends” at the spinal cord, and that the spinal cord “ends” at the peripheral nervous system, which in turn ends at the neuromuscular plates, and so on, down to the quarks, but the brain is the hand and the hand is the brain, and their interdependence extends all the way down to the quarks.”

The Hand: How Its Use Shapes the Brain, Language, and Human Culture.

Frank R. Wilson, Vintage Books, New York 1999